you with the best medical care in case of trouble. Under emergency conditions, our Medical Unit would be in full operation and a second facility would be established if necessary. Additionally, your Area Chief would be able to tell you the location of a nearby first-aid station presided over by a qualified American doctor, nurse or medical technician. Seriously ill, crippled or bedridden people would receive special care and priority as would those expectant mothers in the later stages of pregnancy. The medics would do their part, and you could do yours by keeping your health and immunization records current.
Speaking of records, we would have to have them. If your sponsor is not a member of, or under contract to the U.S. Government, it is important that you keep the American Consul informed of your situation. He maintains a card file for each American civilian in Laos. It is important that you inform him of any changes of address, additions to your family or departures of members of your family from the country. Unless you keep the Consul advised of your moves, we cannot assure you that you would receive our assistance in time of stress. Also make sure that someone, a child or servant, knows either where you are or when you will be home, so your Area Chief knows when he may return with a message.
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